Sunday, July 31, 2011

This much I know: Samuel L Jackson

Samuel L Jackson "The best advice I've been given is: when the camera passes you, look like there's something on your mind": Samuel L Jackson Photograph: James Cheadle/James Cheadle /eyevine

I would have saved myself a lot of grief if I'd learned to play golf when I was younger. It's my peace of mind for the day: when I'm off work I'm at the golf course by 6.30 in the morning.

I've heard I have a temper. I can get annoyed. I try not to, because I always look at film sets as a place of joy – we're coming to work to make believe.

All my theatre training has served me well in terms of preparation – my agent tells me my greatest flaw is that when I go to work on a movie set I expect everyone to be as prepared as I am.

I'm surrounded by myself in my office. When I look around I see lots of little "me"s – it's kinda fun.

Being famous is something I enjoy. I'm not going to deny it, because it allows me access to a lot of things. It's good to be famous and liked, not famous and disliked, put it that way. People like me.

The best advice I've ever been given is: whenever the camera passes you, always look like there's something on your mind.

It amazes people to see me walking around by myself. I guess they get used to famous people having bodyguards. I walk the streets of London all the time. People say: "Do you know who you look like?" and I go: "No, who?"

Lots of people quote my lines at me. That's how I met Marlon Brando. I was at a benefit when this voice appeared behind me doing Ezekiel 25:17 [Jackson's speech from Pulp Fiction] and it was Marlon. I was just like: "Get outta here." He gave me his phone number and I gave him mine. From time to time I'd get a message saying Mr Brando wants you to call him, and every time I called it would say it was a Chinese restaurant.

I go and see my own films all the time. I'm not one of those actors who claims they can't stand to watch themselves. I'm like: well, if I can't stand to watch me, why would I expect you to go pay to watch me?

I'm most proud of the fact that my daughter is a well-rounded individual who has never been arrested and never been in a tabloid.

I read way too much to have a favourite book – I'm always looking for new stuff to read. At the moment I'm reading a history of the word "motherfucker". I'm actually in it as one of the great purveyors of the word.

There's a distinct correlation between me being successful and me being clean. Rehab gave me a chance to find out that I could get outside myself and be OK with who I am without a substance. Since I became successful I've been offered more cocaine than I could ever possibly use, but I don't feel the need to do it.

I enjoy every day above ground that I get to have. Getting older is just one of those things that happens – if you keep getting up every day, you're going to get older. I'm amazed when I look in the mirror sometimes. I go: wow, do you know how old you are?

Samuel L Jackson is hosting the Fitflop Shooting Stars Benefit 2011, raising vital funds for Make-A-Wish Foundation UK (

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