Saturday, July 23, 2011

Maia Kayser: I wish the iPhone had better voice recognition

What's your favourite piece of technology, and how has it improved your life?
As far as hi-tech gadgetry goes, the iPhone is a very handy and intuitive device. Having a miniature, multi-purpose computer/phone in my pocket has definitely allowed for greater flexibility and convenience in many situations.

When was the last time you used it, and what for?
To look up theatre locations and times for [the Woody Allen film] Midnight in Paris.

What additional features would you add if you could?
I would add a much longer battery life and far better reception. I also think it would be great if it had better voice recognition features. I'd love for it to better handle common tasks on verbal command, such as browsing the internet, writing emails and locating destinations.

Do you think it will be obsolete in 10 years' time?
Without a doubt. Based on the rate of innovation, I can't imagine this technology not being obsolete in 10 years.

What always frustrates you about technology in general?
The minute you walk out of the store with the latest gadget, there is already a newer and better version on the market. It can be difficult and frustrating to keep up with the rapid turn over rate of the latest products. We also tend to become very dependent on technology, which makes it all the more frustrating when it fails at the worst moments.

Is there any particular piece of technology that you have owned and hated?
My previous old laptop was a cumbersome, 10-pound clunker that was very unreliable and buggy. For some reason I held onto to it, cursing it for way too long before I finally upgraded to a better system.

If you had one tip about getting the best out of new technology, what would it be?
Being patient. Waiting a few generations for a gadget to improve and it's technology to stabilise. Usually the price comes down and the developers will have had time to respond to user feedback and clean out all the bugs.

Do you consider yourself to be a luddite or a nerd?
I consider myself somewhere in between, but judging by the fact that I make a living out of computer animation, I guess I'd be leaning more towards a nerd, although I don't claim to be up to date on all the most current technology.

What's the most expensive piece of technology you've ever owned?
Aside from my car, it would have to be my laptop, which is one of the better purchases I've made.

Mac or PC, and why?
I used to be a PC user for years, but since I bought my Mac Book Pro, I prefer Mac. I love the design and interface, it's reliable, intuitive and just plain cool. It's been a very useful and effective tool for my creative projects in addition to being a great communication device.

Do you still buy physical media such as CDs and DVDs, or do you download? What was your last purchase?
I usually download, but for certain items I like to buy hard media and have something tangible – especially for things like books and movies. Call me old fashioned, but I still prefer having real books as opposed to digital readers.

Robot butlers – a good idea or not?
That's a tricky one. Initially the thought of having droid-like contraptions rolling around, managing the household, speaking in a nice British accent, might be kind of appealing. But then I'm reminded of all the apocalyptic robot films I've seen over the years and I begin to think ... maybe not a good idea.

What piece of technology would you most like to own?
Living in a big city, it would be nice to have an autonomous car that not only does all the driving but most importantly, knows where it's going and can find legal parking spaces. Honestly, it'd probably be safer, more fuel efficient and reduce traffic, if cars were autonomous.

• Computer animator Maia Kayser works for Industrial, Light & Magic in California, and was the lead animator on Rango – out on DVD and Blu-ray on 25 July

View the original article here

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